Artificer: Science of Magic

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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9281618
  • Artificer is a single-player survival RPG focused on researching and practicing arcane arts. The game takes place on Alcor - a planet full of deadly creatures, bizarre plants and alien races.


    The Story

    Survive the perils of the alien planet as Raymond Everett, a marooned science officer of HMS Hawking, pitting your resourcefulness and intellect against the eldritch beings of Alcor that are after your head.

    Create Magic

    Delve into a dangerous world of mystical research to uncover new recipes and rituals on a journey to unlimited power. Create spells and build magical automatons. Perform magical experiments to further your knowledge. Master alchemy, thaumaturgy and divination to construct artifacts of immense power.

    Explore Alcor

    Steal arcane secrets from ancient ruins. Learn alien languages to read magical grimoires. Fight monsters and dissect them to learn their weaknesses. Harvest valuable alchemical ingredients.

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