Candlelight: Lament

Nákupem získáte 1 kredit
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Osobní odběr
23 let
Naše výhody
8x vítěz
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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9287381
  • Black and white hand-painted art, set in the 70s of a parallel universe.You have a Keeper with you throughout the game.Using your "Awake" to explore the secrets hidden within.Illustrations of character or object closeups are used in the conversations. Observe carefully, and you may discover something useful.

    This is a Lovecraftian horror, Point and Click adventure game.

    - Game Features -

    Black and white hand-painted art, set in the 70s of a parallel universe.
    You have a Keeper with you throughout the game.
    Using your "Awake" to explore the secrets hidden within.
    Illustrations of character or object closeups are used in the conversations. Observe carefully, and you may discover something useful.

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