Chains of Fury

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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9294614
  • This game is not for you if you want to save the world and become the hero everyone needs (or even deserves). Move along, we have an anti-hero bad-ass over here, ready to compete for the title of The Meanest Bastard Ever. His testosterone level can only be measured in the Fury scale, his death toll is unknown and the amount of bullets he'd shot is uncountable. He's a hired gun. His former clients had put him in prison instead of paying him for a job well done. He's furious, he's skilled, he's got mean weapons and an even meaner mustache. It's nothing personal. It's just business.
    Chains of Fury Volume I is a unique Boomer Shooter. Inspired by Hellboy and Lobo comics along with XIII and Void Bastards games, it aims to give players a one-of-a-kind gaming experience.
    Heavily influenced by retro FPS games it brings the character design inspiration of Duke Nukem 3D, movement guidelines of Quake and DOOM, and unique comic-book style graphics based on 90's hits such as Lobo. Nearly three decades on, the spirit of 1996 is somehow still with us, and we are not letting go. Neither should you.


    Destructible Environment - keys are for wimps. Smash your way through.
    Hidden Secrets - loads of easter eggs & secrets wait to be found.
    Retro Inspired – XIII, Duke Nukem 3D, DOOM, Quake. We shoot for the top.
    Kick-Ass Arsenal – shoot from a distance or punch ‘em from up close? Yes.
    Dark Humor - we'd love to be able to say we're friends with Lobo, but... He'd pull our teeth out with his hook. At best. We hope. Sorry.
    One-Liners Galore – no self-respecting bad-ass can kill without a steady supply of quips. And you have plenty of self-respect.
    Fabulous Moustache - being a mercenary does not mean you cannot look dashing and handsome like Peter Krylov.
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