Gravewood High (PC) Klíč Steam

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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9284516
  • Several students have gone missing at Gravewood High but none of the adults seem to have noticed. The school is a trap and your task is to get out of it. But there are two problems. One, the building has turned into a deadly labyrinth that constantly shifts and changes. Two, you are being chased by the Teacher - a crazed overlord of this place.

    Dynamic environment
    The school’s layout changes every  time you get caught and the interior can be destroyed by both the player and the Teacher, creating a tense and unique adventure.
    Tricky opponent
    As the game progresses, the Teacher transforms physically and develops new abilities, becoming smarter and much more dangerous.
    Simply hiding is not enough. In order to win, you must outwit the Teacher by finding and destroying objects that he holds dear or by luring him into traps.
    An elaborate mystery spanning centuries
    The game’s plot plunges you into the atmosphere of several iconic periods of history - from the wild 80s to the American Civil War.
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