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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9282539
  • S A M U D R A is a hand-illustrated, 2D puzzle game that follows a child's adventure across a polluted sea. Players encounter underwater creatures to uncover truths about “surface-dweller” actions causing the polluted deep-sea world.

    E X P E R I E N C E - a uniquely designed story without dialogue, Samudra is accessible across lingual and auditory borders.
    E X P L O R E - a polluted underwater world filled with surreal discoveries & challenges, all beautifully hand-illustrated.
    E N C O U N T E R - Deep Sea dwellers, creatures, characters, and tons, tons, tons of pollution.
    E M O T I O N A L - journey that depicts being at rock-bottom, and the long arduous trip back to reach the surface.
    E N V I R O N M E N T A L - activism is synonymous with the project, the profits from this project are channeled towards year-round collaborations with the Indonesian environmental activist circle to minimize plastic usage in Indonesia to 70% by 2025.
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