Songs of Death

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Osobní odběr
23 let
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8x vítěz
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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9283409
  • This is a roguelike rhythm action game that requires you to block and counter (accurate block) enemy attacks at the right moment.

    This is a fictional world based on characters from the Three Kingdoms. Here, there are not only martial skills, but also spiritual energy and technologies that led to the invention of spells and firearms. You will play as Ma Chao, master of a variety of attacks and tools, and break enemy defenses with the help of friends to exact revenge on Cao Cao for slaughtering your family.

    EXP will be gained from kills for you to level up, unlocking new weapons. Each of the weapons has a unique attack pattern and works best against specific targets. They also have Synergy tags, and activating the same tags grants characters special effects. When you have extra copies of the same weapon, the weapon will be starred up activating its Synergy effects without having to equip the weapon. It is up to you to manage resources for greater combat prowess.

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