SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream - Premium Edition

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Aktivace: SteamSteamKód produktu: 9251471
  • Pre-Order SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream DLC:
    Demon King Costume Set
    Pre-Order SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream DLC

    SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream - Premium Edition includes:

    Full Game 
    Character Pass Vol. 1 
    Premium Edition Upgrade 
    1 In-Game Item 
    3 Days of Early Access

    SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream is an exciting new start as we depart from the 10th anniversary of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series!

    Galaxia, a new system allowing players to relive the past, has been added to ALfheim Online; however, Galaxia spins out of control causing players from all over time and space to be displaced! To set the timeline back on track, Kirito must work with fallen friends...and foes.

    Each with their own specific role on the battlefield, SAO characters from various arcs are gathered to fight. Team up with a total of 20 players from around the world in 1 of 5 parties comprised of 4 players each for multiplayer co-op action!

    True to the SWORD ART ONLINE series, join a raid party and prepare for a fight with high difficulty bosses together! How you prepare for the fight is the key to victory!


    ©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.

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